Biofeedback, Head Trauma, and Neuroplasticity

Four topics for today’s post, links to two videos, report of ground breaking research on neuroplasticity and EEG biofeedback,  and a note on the limits of ADHD stimulant medication.  The sources are far-flung, but they have in common support for the widely misunderstood value of Neurofeedback. First, I am posting a link to a video […]

A Buddhist Perspective on Neurofeedback “Treatment”

I came across this post on a neurofeedback list-serve this week and asked the author, Natalie Baker, LMHC, if I could reproduce it on my blog.  Natalie, whom I otherwise do not know, is making the point that transformation (meditation) and treatment are different even when they overlap.  I am pleased she has allowed me […]

A Buddhist Perspective on Neurofeedback "Treatment"

I came across this post on a neurofeedback list-serve this week and asked the author, Natalie Baker, LMHC, if I could reproduce it on my blog.  Natalie, whom I otherwise do not know, is making the point that transformation (meditation) and treatment are different even when they overlap.  I am pleased she has allowed me […]

Direct Stimulation Validated for Major Depression

Direct electrical stimulation of the brain is not biofeedback or neurofeedback, but there is a safe  and minimal form we have been using at EEGym® for a couple of years: direct transcranial stimulation, tDCS.  A study out this week in the Archives of General Psychiatry Online reported by the American Psychiatric Association seems to point […]