ADHD In Los Angeles CA: Individualized Treatment Plans

Finding Comprehensive Treatment Approaches To Combat Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

ADHD Treatment

(310) 207-3337

Dr. Thomas Brod M.D. Treats ADHD in Los Angeles, California

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, better known as ADHD, can be a debilitating malady when it is not properly treated. Afflicted children, adolescents and even adults will often experience significant problems with appropriate levels of functioning, often dramatically inhibiting optimal educational performance, negatively impacting social interactions and seriously affecting behavioral patterns. Sufferers of this common condition are easily frustrated, distracted and, often report negative feelings such as helplessness, social isolation and anxiousness.

Elevated levels of stress can put a strain on your body. Fatigue, muscular tension, restlessness and problems with concentration are some of the minor side effects of untreated tension. More serious somatic complaints, such as hypertension and some heart problems have also been linked to stress. Alleviating the symptoms you are experiencing with an ADHD treatment may improve your quality of life and head off further complications from prolonged, elevated pressure.

Call Us: (310) 207-3337

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12304 Santa Monica Blvd. #210
Los Angeles, CA 90025

ADHD Treatment

(310) 207-3337

Natural ADHD Treatment with UCLA Professor and Physician, Dr. Thomas Brod M.D.

Dr. Thomas Brod's intensive study of ADHD has culminated into a practice designed to help patients cope with adverse diagnoses through customized management plans, individualized attention and consistent, therapeutic support. Using intensive therapeutic solutions such as EEG neurofeedback and biofeedback, we develop and monitor each case with professional care, client-focused processes and sensitivity to our clients' needs. Our complimentary initial consultation is conveniently conducted by telephone to begin the treatment process.